Emperor Pilaf finally summons Shenron, only to blow his big chance at making a wish! Goku undergoes some unusual changes, and King Kai has bad news for the inhabitants of Earth!
Bulma, Videl, and Gohan prepare a ship to be used in gathering the Dragon Balls, and Pan gets upset over being treated like a child. Meanwhile, Goku is abducted by greedy kidnappers!
Goku, Trunks, and Pan crash-land on Planet Imecka, where the festive atmosphere of the city hides a disturbing truth: the Imeckians are money-hungry swindlers!
Imecka, Goku, Pan, and Trunks mount a rescue mission to salvage their ship. Without it, they’ll be stuck on Imecka forever!
While hiding from the authorities, Goku, Pan, and Trunks are moved by the cruelties inflicted upon the Imeckians. In the name of justice, they decide to confront Don Kee in a showdown at the Royal Palace!
After narrowly escaping Imecka with their lives, Goku, Trunks, and Pan land on a planet where everything is larger than life. To secure a Dragon Ball, Goku must charge into the belly of a giant beast - literally!
Stephanie Nadolny
Goku (Child)
Sean Schemmel
Goku (adult/Super Saiyan 4)
Masako Nozawa
Robert McCollum
Takeshi Kusao