Souls for Sale

The souls in question are silver-screen hopefuls in this witty, insightful glimpse at the early movie business. Feared lost for decades, it includes unique working cameos of director Erich von Stroheim and a non-Tramp Charlie Chaplin, and features starlet Eleanor Boardman, the "Cinderella of Hollywood" whose rags-to-riches story echoed her character's. Escaping from a train journey with her sinister new husband, Mem Steddon (Boardman) crawls across the California desert and spies her salvation: an Arab sheik riding a camel! The location movie crew brings Mem to Tinseltown, where bit parts and acting lessons lead her to starring roles - and a fiery finale with her murderous spouse Lew Cody). If you like classic Hollywood, you'll love this picture, full of carefully observed detail, warmth and plenty of soul.
Eleanor Boardman, Mae Busch, Barbara La Marr
Rupert Hughes