Richard Dix
Richard Dix was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Richard Dix began his acting career appearing in various films, such as "Dangerous Curve Ahead" (1921), the Boardman Eleanor drama "Souls For Sale" (1923) and "The Ten Commandments" (1923). He also appeared in "The Vanishing American" (1925), "The Quarterback" (1926) and "Shanghai Bound" (1927). Richard Dix was nominated for an Actor Academy Award for "Cimarron" in 1931. He kept working in film throughout the thirties, starring in "The Lost Squadron" (1932), "The Great Jasper" (1933) and "Ace of Aces" (1933). He also appeared in "No Marriage Ties" (1933). Toward the end of his career, he tackled roles in "Man of Conquest" (1939), "Twelve Crowded Hours" (1939) and "Cherokee Strip" (1940). He also appeared in "The Round-Up" (1941) and "American Empire" (1942). Richard Dix was most recently credited in "The Trial of Standing Bear" (PBS, 1988-89). Richard Dix was married to Virginia Webster and had four children. Richard Dix passed away in September 1949 at the age of 56.