Dominic Monaghan is in Belize on a mission to find Latin America's most deadly snake, the Fer-de-Lance. Along the way he encounters soaring Mayan pyramids, mysterious caves and lush rainforests filled with dramatic wildlife.
Dominic Monaghan dives into the Florida Keys in search of some of the largest and deadliest sharks. Along the way, he learns the local sport of alligator wrestling and finds a dangerous rattlesnake while driving an airboat.
As Dominic Monaghan searches for the most famous and feared lemur of Madagascar, he crosses a harrowing stone forest called the Big Tsingy, runs into the smallest and largest chameleons on earth and gets bitten by a rare snake.
Dominic Monaghan is hot on the trail of the largest fish on the planet - the 42-ton whale shark! Along the way, he enters a local boat race and partakes in an annual fishing celebration.
Dominic Monaghan is in South Africa searching for the rarest big cat on the planet: the White Lions of Timbavati. Along the way he chases an impala with a pair of cheetah brothers and secures the blessing of a local tribe.
Dominic Monaghan is in Sri Lanka pursuing the dangerous Indian cobra. On his journey he visits a tea plantation, tries the challenging and uncomfortable task of stilt fishing and climbs the ancient city of Sigiriya Rock.
Dominic Monaghan
Dave Brady
Philip Clarke
Simon Raikes