Somewhere Else Tomorrow

War zone borders, engine trouble and the difficulties of making money to survive couldn’t outweigh the thrill of adventure and discovery Daniel Rintz encountered while motorcycling around the world for two and a half years. This is an intimate portrait of the changes a sheltered man experiences after encountering numerous cultures and beliefs. A naive dreamer, fearing stagnation and worried about getting tangled up in a boring job out of university, attempts the greatest challenge he can think of: traveling around the world on a motorcycle - alone and without money. Instead of wasting precious time saving up for the trip, he hastily decides to make money along the way by picking up random jobs – an idea that would make his journey much more challenging and dangerous than he intended. Out of the hardship he encounters trying to survive comes a story of true freedom and global understanding. What makes this film unique is the story and the central character. The story taps into current feelings of unrest, disillusionment and disconnection felt by whole generations of young people throughout the western world. It’s about having the courage to follow your instincts, no matter how crazy they seem, and what you can accomplish when you stop trying to control things and let go of your fears. Adventure stories such as this one are important to us: there’s something primal about it, we never get tired of them. However, the amount of footage accumulated on this adventure and the liberty under which it was taken is unprecedented. The adventure side is, however, only the surface of the story, since it is the framework and catalyst for the significant transitions Daniel experienced on the trip, including self-discovery, spirituality and peacefulness. The audience will see a transition in Daniel through his eyes.
Daniel Rintz, Ted Simon
Daniel Rintz