The Trick of Life and Love
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Ning Cheng Ming (Ji Xiao Bing) pivoted his career from teaching to corporate leadership, but retained his ruthless personality and ability to detect lies. Li Qian (Jin Mei Chen), one of his former students, works at a company that seeks an investment opportunity with Cheng Ming’s firm, but she finds herself targeted by Cheng Ming’s harsh treatment, reminding her of her days in school. Everything changes when Li Qian happens to save Cheng Ming from a traffic accident that could have ended his life… because when he wakes up in the hospital, he’s lost his memory – creating the perfect circumstances for Li Qian to prank him and pretend to be his fiancée as payback for belittling her. As he grows suspicious of her story, their fake relationship begins to blur the lines between revenge and real feelings. Will Li Qian’s scheme turn into genuine love, or will her vendetta sabotage their budding romance? This 2021 Chinese drama series was directed by Li Yan Qian.

