Order of the Sommelier

Bai Qi (Yu Yan Long) is the proud owner and barkeeper at the Demon Tavern. This drinking hole is like no other, and the drinks he serves can heal the troubled souls of the many visitors who come and go to the tavern. Time shifts are common here, and the drinks sometimes create portals, allowing Bai Qi to enter the worlds of his many customers. When the demon-hunting sommelier Fu Yu (Kenji Chen) comes to the tavern, he and Bai Qi get into a heated discussion about the owner’s barkeeping skills. But sticking around in the tavern leads Fu Yu and Bai Qi deeper into the worlds of the customers. As they help everyone from fox demons to mothers, lovers, scholars, and the sick, their once-hostile relationship turns to mutual respect. Now, can they fix their patron’s problems once and for all? “Order of the Sommelier” is a 2022 Chinese drama series that was directed by Mai Tian.
Kenji Chen