The snow is melting in the Swiss Alps and reveals the body of a woman murdered in a macabre staging near the French border. As Captain Sterenn Peiry starts investigating the case, she faces a personal crisis that could prove dangerous.
Sterenn covers up her son's accident by reproducing the stagings of the killer she hunts. The investigation progresses with French officer Lyes Bouaouni. Melinda's colleagues notice her absence.
The noose is tightening around Sterenn's secret. Jeremy, who is the prime suspect, is summoned by the police and questioned by Lyes. Temporarily removed from the investigation, Sterenn manages to uncover the link between the serial killer's victims.
Matteo, Jeremy's boss, is kidnapped by the serial killer. A race to save him begins. Sterenn faces the serial killer and tries to convince him to spare Matteo's life. The serial killer will only communicate with Sterenn, imposing a diabolical pact.
Sterenn has only a few hours left to honor the killer’s pact if she wants to save her son. As for Lyes, he is convinced that Melinda is not one of the killer's victims and has growing suspicions about Jeremy. Desperate, Sterenn changes strategy.
While the pact with the serial killer is still ongoing, Lyes manages to convince the Swiss Police that Sterenn is covering up for Jeremy and the homicide he committed. The police go after Sterenn and Jeremy.
Marina Hands
Sterenn Peiry
Lyes Bouaouni
Clarina Sierro
Elise Jacottet
Cyril Metzger
Jeremy Peiry
Anna Pieri Zuercher
Felicie Glassey