Wick and the Rank start their own radio fan club, meanwhile the dragons say they are tired of Dragon Lord's oppressive regime
Someone breaks into Dons computer and sends him a coded message that reprograms his brain! Now the Turtles' techno-savy teammate has been turned into a cyperpunk super thief!
Raphael is enjoying one of his favorite past times (harassing crazed poacher Simon Bonesteel), when a platoon of Rank warriors decide to join the game.
Splinter is returning to the lair when he spots a man being beaten up by a gang of kids. After he saves the man, he realizes that the man is the Shredder!
When an alchemy accident gives the evil Wick telekinetic powers, he not only uses it over the Dragon Lord, but he puts the Ninja Turtles to the test, too!
When Venus' life is saved by one of the Dragon Lord's Rank warriors, the Turtles are forced to re-examine their views on the dragons.
Saffron Henderson
Matt Hill
Kirby Morrow
Lalainia Lindbjerg
Michael Dobson