The series' first profoundly deaf fugitives, housemates Nathan and James try their luck at a private marina, whilst a chance meeting with a builder presents Welsh couple Meurig and Elinor with a golden opportunity to smuggle themselves off the island.
The hunters have tracked Welsh couple Elinor and Meurig to his sister's house in Brecon. In a dramatic chase Meurig has been split from his beloved Elinor and makes a quick getaway, hopping over a fence into a neighbouring field. But is he fast enough to outrun the hunters and make his escape?
The hunters are lying in wait for urban explorers Katie and Liam who they hope will arrive at an abandoned ski centre. Like a spider waiting in its web the hunters are poised to catch the pair, so long as they turn up and walk into their trap.
The pressure is on. With four fugitives caught seven still remain at large hoping to win a share of the prize. But the hunters are stepping up the chase determined to stop them and get a clean sweep.
Deaf fugitives James and Nathan are at an all-time low as they find it hard to communicate with the public. Right now they desperately need the kindness of strangers but are unable to convince those they approach to help them. Disheartened, and wanting to keep moving, they decide to head to Scotland.
Housemates James and Nathan make a bold decision to enjoy their last hours on the run at a football game in Carlisle. Unknown to them the hunters have employed a covert agent who tracks down the pair near the football ground. It's not long before the ground hunters arrive, splitting the pair as they chase them through the streets of the town.
Eddie Marsan
Matt Bennett