When the nations gather to solve the world’s problems, U.S.A. presents his solution to global warming - and it’s a pretty stupid one. Then everyone argues for a while, just before a flashback to WWI.
Germany is prowling the woods of WWI in search of the enemy, when he happens upon a crate of tomatoes. Just as he opens the wooden box, Italy attacks! I’m only kidding. Italy mostly just lays around.
WWI is over, but Italy won’t quit pestering Germany. In fact, with WWII right around the corner, Italy pledges his undying devotion to his gruff friend, and a delightful Axis of Bromance is born.
Italy and Germany have a new BFF: Japan. After a “getting acquainted” soak in the hot springs, Japan shows the guys his value as an ally by - actually, he doesn’t really do much. But he seems very polite.
Germany, Japan, and Italy are on a deserted island, and they’re making the most of such a pleasant environment. Especially Italy, who uses the free time to make white flags and sand sculptures of pasta.
Japan, Germany, and Italy roast marshmallows on the beach. The three guys may feel like the night belongs to them, but they are far from alone. Actually, marshmallows sound pretty good right now. BRB.
Daisuke Namikawa
Italy Veneziano
Hiroki Yasumoto
Hiroki Takahashi
Katsuyuki Konishi
United States
Noriaki Sugiyama
United Kingdom