Don't Disturb My Study
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On the outside, Nan Xing Wan (Landy Li) seems to have everything in life going for her. As a well-established HR manager at a world-renowned company, she has a job most could only dream of having, and as such, she carries herself with a level of self-confidence that few can achieve. However, despite her outward appearance, Xing Wan suffers from almost crippling anxiety. With the help of her therapist, Xing Wan has come to realize that her anxiety stems from the trauma she experienced growing up. Acknowledging that it’s time to face the demons of her past head-on, Xing Wan agrees to undergo a high-tech form of psychotherapy that almost literally takes her ten years into her past. As if she were a high school student once more, Xing Wan must once again face the challenges of her past, but this time around, she vows that things will be different.  Armed with the insight and understanding of an adult, Xing Wan begins to see her past problems and old enemies in a new light. Befriending Lin Xiao Ran (Lai Kuanlin) along the way, will Xing Wan’s journey through the past bring her the peace and happiness she’s been missing in her present life? Adapted from the novel of the same name by Yue Liu Guang, “Don’t Disturb My Study” is a 2021 Chinese romantic comedy drama directed by Chen Fei Hong.

