William Austin

William Austin worked on a variety of projects during his entertainment career. Austin's career in acting began with his roles in various films like "Suds" (1920), "Rich Men's Wives" (1922) and "The Fate of a Flirt" (1926). He also appeared in "It" (1927) with Clara Bow and "Someone to Love" (1928). In the thirties, Austin devoted his time to various credits, such as "The Gay Divorcee" (1934) starring Fred Astaire, "$1,000 a Minute" (1935) and "Stampede" (1936) starring Charles Starrett. He also worked on "Convicted" (1938). Austin was most recently credited in "Disney's House of Mouse" (ABC, 2000-02). In the fifties, Austin lent his talents to projects like "Flat Top" (1952). Austin passed away in June 1975 at the age of 91.