Pierre Mondy
Pierre Mondy was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Early on in his acting career, Mondy landed roles in various films, including the crime picture "When the Woman Butts In" (1957) with Edwige Feuillere, the comedic adaptation "Faibles Femmes" (1959) with Alain Delon and "Austerlitz" (1960). He also appeared in the dramatic adaptation "Week-End a Zuydcoote" (1964) with Jean-Paul Belmondo and the crime thriller "The Sleeping Car Murders" (1966) with Michel Piccoli. His film career continued throughout the seventies in productions like the comedy "Papa les Petits Bateaux" (1971) with Sheila White, the Pierre Richard comedy "Les Malheurs d'Alfred" (1971) and "Mais ou est donc passe la 7eme xompagnie?" (1973). He also appeared in "Impossible Pa Francais" (1974). During the latter half of his career, he tackled roles in "Vas-Y Maman" (1978), "Demons du Midi" (1980) and "Retour en force" (1980). He also appeared in "Le Cadeau" (1982) and "Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non" (1983). Mondy more recently acted in the drama "The Favorite Son" (1994) with Gerard Lanvin.