Miley has writer's block coming up with the song for Hannah's latest album and she ends up writing something that is un-Hannah like. Meanwhile, Rico goads Jackson into trying to grow a mustache.
While exploring the city the Atlantis team discovers a stasis chamber holding a woman who appears to be over 10 000 years old. Excited at the possibility that she is one of the Ancients the alien race that built Atlantis the team decides to bring her out of stasis despite the risk to her health. Everyone is shocked when once re-animated the elderly woman identifies herself as none other than Dr. Weir (Torri Higginson).
Gideon makes a deal with the Dark lighters to get rid of Leo, but they accidentally send Leo and Piper to the Ghostly plane, leaving Phoebe and Paige to believe that they are both dead.
The Charmed Ones help out Leo's mentor, Gideon, when he wants to find out who cast the spell of darkness over a magic school and conjured the Headless Horseman who has been beheading the teachers.
Under the pressure that the Halliwell sisters will discover his evil plot, Gideon conspires with two demons to make Piper, Phoebe and Paige part of "Witch Wars", a new demonic reality television show where demon contestants compete in a series of contests to hunt down witches and steal their powers.