Inspired by the computer game series of the same name, CASTLEVANIA is an animated series that centers on Vlad Dracula Tepe (Graham McTavish), who's attempting to wipe out humanity as retribution for the Church burning his wife Lisa (Emily Swallow) at the stake. It appears that no one can stop the hurricane of destruction that Dracula has unleashed upon 15th-century Eastern Europe. But vampire hunter Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage), the last remaining member of a once-great family, is willing to try to stop Dracula and his demonic army. Along the way, Belmont meets a few allies, including sorceress Sypha (Alejandra Reynoso) and Dracula's renegade son Alucard (James Callis). The odds of success are long -- but Belmont and his friends are the last forces standing between Europe and extinction.