War and Peace: Part 2
The second installment of Sergei Bondarchuk's sweeping adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel, War and Peace: Part II: Natasha Rostova follows its titular character—a vivacious young woman who falls in love with the dashing Count Anatole Kuragin. Their romance is complicated by the scheming of Anatole's sister, Hélène, and the disapproval of Natasha's family. Meanwhile, the war between Russia and Napoleon's army rages on, and Natasha's brother Nikolai is caught up in the conflict. As the characters navigate love, war, and betrayal, they grapple with questions of what it means to be honorable and true. Featuring breathtaking cinematography and lavish period detail that captures the grandeur of the era, Natasha Rostova is a triumph of storytelling that explores universal themes of love, betrayal, and the struggle to maintain one's integrity in the face of adversity.
Starring Sergey Bondarchuk, Ludmila Savelyeva, Vyacheslav Tikhonov
Director Sergey Bondarchuk