War and Peace: Part 3
The penultimate installment to Sergei Bondarchuk's titanic, awe-inspiring adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's classic novel, War and Peace: Part III: The Year 1812 focuses on the Battle of Borodino, a pivotal moment in the Napoleonic Wars that saw the Russian army engage in a bloody confrontation with the invading French forces. As the battle rages on, the lives of the film's characters are forever changed: Andrei Bolkonsky confronts his mortality and Pierre Bezukhov finds redemption in the chaos of war, while Natasha Rostova navigates the aftermath of her ill-fated romance with Count Anatole Kuragin. A visually dazzling masterpiece, with stunning battle scenes and lavish period detail that transports the viewer to the heart of the conflict, The Year 1812 continues Bondarchuk's masterfully-directed, timeless epic while exploring themes of love, loss, and the brutal realities of conflict with sensitivity and nuance.
Starring Sergey Bondarchuk, Ludmila Savelyeva, Vyacheslav Tikhonov
Director Sergey Bondarchuk