Nazis on the Run: The Verdict

The Nuremberg Trials are coming to an end. The public anxiously await a verdict. The Nazi officials on trial hoping they will be given a lesser sentence for providing new information. Some still believe they are above the justice system.The prosecution has built a promising case. Will the Nazis face the sentences they deserve?Questioning has been thorough, no important point unaddressed. The International Military Tribunal gave the Nazis a fair trial, granting them a trial at all was considered fair enough.The world has been watching, as further questioning takes place regularly, trying to gather as much information from the captured Nazis. The Allied countries dealt with these criminals rationally, rather than just executing them upon capture.July 4th, 1946, the court hears the final statements for the defence.July 26th, 1946, the court hears the final statements from the prosecution.It’s time for the decisions to be made.
Dr Lisa Pine, Guy q Walters
Danielleq Winter