Nazis on the Run: The Trial

Twenty four Nazi officials are brought into the courtroom at Nuremberg, Germany. The biggest trial in history is about to begin. Being broadcast around the world, the public is waiting, hoping these criminals will see justice for their atrocities.For the first time in international law, the Nuremberg indictments also mention crimes of genocide. Key Nazi party members were up against the International Military Tribunal; Hermann Göring; Reichmarschall and Commander of the Luftwaffe, Rudolf Hess; former Deputy Führer, Albert Speer; Minister of Armaments and War Production and Joachim von Ribbentrop; Reichminister of Foreign Affairs.However, some senior Nazis still manage to evade justice, and are still on the run. Rudolf Höss, knowing he was being hunted, managed to escape Berlin and make it out to the German countryside after being advised to flee by his higher in command, Heinrich Himmler. How long will his freedom last? The hunt is on.
Dr Lisa Pine, Guy Walters
Danielle Winter