Laurel & Hardy: Them Thar Hills

After too much high living, the fellows rent a trailer and take to the mountains for gout-ridden Hardy’s health. There they unwittingly drink from well water laced with homemade liquor. According to Billy Gilbert, who plays the doctor prescribing a mountain-rest cure, “the fellows” is how everyone at the studio referred to the Laurel & Hardy characters. Aficionados today are still acting out the memorable, musical “pom-pom” business. The “outdoors” set was built on Stage 2 in only 16 hours after a planned scenic exterior location at the mouth of the Santa Ynez Canyon presented unfavorable weather conditions. Directed by Charley Rogers. With Charlie Hall and Mae Busch as the sullen motorist and his stranded wife.
Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mae Busch
Charles Rogers