Gulliver's Travels
Available on Tubi TV
Based on the classic tale by Jonathan Swift. Shipwrecked on an uncharted island, young Gulliver awakens to find himself taken captive by the thumb-sized citizens of the kingdom of Lilliput. Earning the Lilliputian's trust, Gulliver is soon using his enormous size to good advantage throughout the realm. Before long, Gulliver learns that Lilliput is at war with the nearby island of Blafusco - all because of a tangled tiff over the proper preparation of pasta! After he employs his mighty size to help Lilliput's Price Pesto keep a secret meeting with his sweetheart, Blafusco's Princess Marinara, Gulliver is branded a spy. Now, only an act of truly humongous heroism can prevent all-out war. Gulliver must find a peaceful way to help the two kingdoms resolve their differences. The two nations go to war against each other and Prince and Princess are trapped right in the middle. In the end they realize that getting along is much more important than how you cut your pasta!
Starring Jim Cummings
Director Diane Eskenazi