Finding Tatanka
Kit Bricca was a leader of the Bay Area protest movements of the 1960s and 70s with a fierce passion for social justice, but found the transition from activist to breadwinner a challenging one. In this moving, psychologically complex documentary, filmmaker Jacob Bricca follows the extraordinary journey of his father Kit, a man whose uncompromising idealism changed the world but tore his family apart. Kit organizes with Joan Baez and Cesar Chavez in the 60s, helps start Amnesty International USA in the 70s, then transforms himself into a high-flying commodities broker in the 80s and a shamanic healer named Tatanka in the 90s. As the financial crisis of 2008 hits and Kit's finances fall into disarray, Jacob begins his search for answers by following his father on a series of quixotic adventures. Both epic and intimate, Finding Tatanka features never-before-seen footage from a lost era and tells a sweeping story about the fate of American idealism, the cost of dreams, and the meaning of family.
Starring Joan Baez, Dolores Huerta, Daniel Ellsberg
Director Jacob Bricca