Catch Me If You Claus
Avery Quinn is about to get the opportunity of a lifetime; anchoring the news on Christmas morning. However, she is awoken on Christmas Eve to a handsome man in her home, wearing a Santa suit, whom she believes to be the criminal responsible for a string of robberies in her neighborhood. With a strong winter storm in progress and cell towers down, she is unable to reach the police, so she hits the criminal with a fireplace poker and ties him up in Christmas lights. Determined to let nothing interfere with her big shot, she decides to deliver the man, who has been dubbed The Santa Crook, to the authorities, herself. Even as Chris continually insists he is Santa's son, doing the Christmas rounds for the first time and she is jeopardizing Christmas by keeping him from completing the task. Avery isn't buying it and what ensues is an evening of adventure, being stranded in downtown Dayton with no cell phone and no car. Not to mention, a case of mistaken identity as Avery and Chris find themselves being pursued, not only by the police, but some shady characters, as well. Avery soon learns that she is smack dab in the middle of a career-making news story and with Chris' help, she may just crack this thing wide open. As morning draws near and Avery learns that Chris actually IS who he claims to be, feelings begin to develop between them as they inspire each other to go after their dreams, when all hope seems lost. In the end, with seconds to spare, Avery makes it in the anchor chair and reports on the story of a lifetime, while Chris heads off to finish delivering toys to the children of the world. But he's waiting there, as she exits the studio, to finish what they started on that wild and romantic Christmas Eve.
Starring Italia Ricci, Luke Macfarlane, Katerina Maria
Director Bradley Walsh