Everything Christmas
Lori Jo (LJ) has been obsessed with Christmas all her life. She and her grandmother had always planned to visit Yuletide Springs, where Christmas is celebrated year-round, to take part in a longstanding tradition of hanging an ornament on the town tree and making a wish. But her grandmother passed away before they could go. This year LJ is determined to make the trip and hang her grandmother’s special homemade ornament in her honor. She convinces her workaholic roommate, Tory, to join her. Along the way, they have a fateful run in with a jolly magician with a white beard who goes by the name Kris Kringle. This chance encounter creates a ripple effect of coincidences, or small Christmas miracles, that take them both on a journey full of serendipity and surprise. LJ meets Carl, a handsome tow truck driver who helps them out of a pinch – and Tory meets Jason, a fellow traveler on his way to reunite with his aunt. The two become four as they continue to make stops, enjoying more small-town Christmas attractions, while each couples’ connection grows more and more. But when Carl reveals that he intends to return home and her grandmother’s homemade ornament breaks, LJ is devastated. But Tory, who has finally learned to unplug from her job, is quick to remind LJ that the journey that got them here is what matters. All the little things they experienced (whether by coincidence or magic) have made this their best Christmas ever. LJ receives one last gift from Kris and is amazed to discover that Christmas magic might be real after all when she finds the perfect replacement ornament and reunites with Carl on Christmas Eve. When LJ finally hangs the ornament, she is certain of two things – her grandmother will always be with her, and everywhere she turns the spirit of Christmas is always there. Stars Cindy Busby, Corey Sevier, Katherine Barrell, and Matt Wells.
Starring Cindy Busby, Katherine Barrell, Corey Sevier
Director Marni Banack