Beertickers: Beyond the Ale

"Beertickers: Beyond the Ale" is a film about 'probably' the best hobby in the world. This documentary is an exploration of the collectors psyche and of Great British drinking culture. As one of only a thousand men and women from across the country, 68 year old Yorkshireman Brian Moore spends all his time seeking out new beers to drink and tick. He is the Champion Beerticker of Britain! The rules are simple - drink at least ‘a half’ and record as many different beers as humanly possible. The practice can vary, and it is here that the film will step into the realm of the ‘Beer Ticker’. Filmmaker Phil Parkin observes the beertickers in action, travelling to pubs and beer festivals whilst learning the rules and drinking the many different beers he discovers along the way."
Brian Moore, Dave Szwejkowski, Mick Baker
Phil Parkin