Kings of Kallstadt

What do real estate tycoon Donald Trump and the Heinz Tomato Ketchup dynasty have in common? Their ancestors come from Kallstadt, a small, quiet winegrowing village in the German Palatinate region. This powerful entrepreneurial spirit must be part of the genetic make-up! Director Simone Wendel–also from Kallstadt–explores the issue in depth. Even Donald Trump takes the time to speak to her on camera about his German roots. So do the citizens of Kallstadt, who didn’t need to be told why Trump and Heinz are so popular in the United States. Their active village life–Kallstadt has more club members than inhabitants–is considerably shaken up when they receive an invitation to New York. They’re asked to participate in the German-American Steuben Parade. Right in the middle of the harvest season! But true to character, the citizens of Kallstadt waste no time and also book visits to relatives. They pay a visit to the Heinz factories in Pittsburgh and also drop by the Niagara Falls.
Veronika Schramm, Donald Trump
Simone Wendel