The Path Not Taken

The Path Not Taken

Available on Prime Video
S1 E5: Xena’s plan to prevent a war by rescuing a kidnapped princess brings her back into contact with murderers and mercenaries from her dark past. One dark evening, Jana, the beautiful young princess of Boeotia, sits under the stars with her handsome young fiancé, Agranon, the prince of Colonus. As they celebrate the fact that their impending marriage will end a bitter, centuries-old feud between their two nations, several masked men overpower Agranon and ride off with Jana. Xena learns of the kidnapping when Agranon approaches her in a seedy tavern where she and Gabrielle have stopped for a meal. Impressed by the ease with which Xena fights her way past several lascivious drunks, Agranon pleads with her to find Jana. He names Mezentius, an arms dealer who will get rich selling weapons to both sides if war breaks out, as the probable kidnapper. Responding to the prince’s obvious anguish, Xena agrees to help, though it means returning to the treacherous city of Trachis where she will be recognized by former colleagues from her dark past.
Starring Bobby Hosea, Nicola Cliff, Jimi Liversidge