Bobby Hosea
A former professional football player turned TV star, Bobby Hosea parlayed his athletic looks into a fruitful career as a character actor, first appearing in muscle-bound roles in popular action-adventure series before gracefully aging into a character actor. Tennessee native Hosea took his athletic talents to UCLA, turning pro upon graduation and playing in both the Canadian and American football leagues. When physical injury sidelined his football career, Hosea turned to acting, appearing in numerous bit parts on 1980s sitcoms and dramas, including a breakout role as Private "Sweetness" Elroy in the Vietnam War crama "China Beach." He drew on his sports background to turn in a believably memorable performance as fallen football star O.J. Simpson in the timely 1995 made-for-TV film "The O.J. Simpson Story" before co-starring in syndicated action series like the aviation drama "The Cape." Hosea is often cast as a military man, police officer, or medical examiner due to his air of quiet, confident authority.