Episode 6

Episode 6

Available on BritBox, Prime Video
S1 E6: Karen and a reluctant David go to marriage guidance counselling. Pete gets cable for Jenny as a surprise - she thinks it's time they got out more as the only conversation they have nowadays is about the baby. Rachel thinks Adam's turning into an old man before his time. He decides a big night out with the boys at a rave club will prove her wrong. Pete thinks it'll give him & Jen something to talk about. The girls go to a party - Jenny gets drunk, but remembers her husband & baby in time. Rachel's bored by all the men who try to chat her up, deciding Adam is quite fun. Neil comes on too strong on Karen & his halted from molested when Karen's knight in shining armour (David) rescues her in the same vein of how they met. The boys get caught up in a drugs bust and are arrested, but eventually released when Emma comes forward as a witness.