A wealthy businessman is murdered in his Bishopscourt house, his wife is bludgeoned into a coma, and his children become prime suspects. His estranged sister, Edie, tries to clear their names, but her first attempt at finding a suspect backfires.
Edie's attempts to find a witness to the murder place her in peril high on a mountainside, and she learns some information she doesn't like at all. Daniel is abducted by masked assailants at gunpoint.
Forty Bell nearly loses his life rescuing Daniel from a drug gang, and Edie's tentative closeness with her nephew is shattered when she makes a shocking discovery at a Bishopscourt sex party.
A violent invasion of Andrew McKenzie's memorial shakes up the community, bringing new suspects to light, and Edie learns things about her brother that she doesn't want to know.
When a gun is found at the high school, a new suspect is arrested, but Edie's investigation into Andrew's business partner leads her down a different pathway and leaves her fighting for her life.
Daniel places himself and Jaime in danger with an ill-advised statement to the media, and a murderer breaks into the McKenzie home. Forty rides into the jaws of terrible danger, and Olivia McKenzie wakes from her coma.
Natalie Dormer
Edie Hansen
Brendon Daniels
Forty Bell
Langley Kirkwood
Andrew Mckenzie
Morgan Santo
Jaime Mckenzie
Daniel Schultz
Daniel McKenzie