While Tiddleypom is teaching Pip, Shoehorn and Wawa some tongue twisters in the Animals' Academy, Toots becomes a victim of another of the Professor's experiments: she slips on the Super Duper glue.
Toots who has a talent of drawing is doing a painting of Urmel in Wawa's shell when Shoehorn arrives with the message that the Winkelberg Art Gallery is organising a competition for budding artists.
After a class where the Animals learned about Australia, Urmel plans to go Down Under by digging a hole there from Happening through the earth.
The Professor is sitting in her study gluing photographs in an album. When Urmel notices this he is so fascinated by the idea of taking pictures that he borrows the Professor's camera and takes photos of everybody.
Happening is struck by a several earthquakes which become stronger and stronger and endanger the whole island and its existence. They are caused by the sneezes of a giant squid which lives under the sea.
On her birthday Toots gets a robot made by the Professor out of an old vacuum-cleaner and a toaster. It looks very similar to Toots and should help her with her house work.
Diana Borgwardt
Frank-Otto Schenk
Zoodirektor Solmeyer
Hans-Werner Bussinger
Museumsdirektor Zwengelmann
Santiago Ziesmer
Beate Hasenau