Trotro is playing hide and seek with Lili. It’s always really difficult to hide when you have ears like Trotro’s and so Lili always wins. But when it comes to playing tag, Trotro is the fastest. + 5 episodes
It’s snowing and Trotro is worried about the birds. They are all out in the cold and haven’t got any homes. Trotro repaints an old bird table and daddy sets it up in the garden. + 5 episodes
Trotro does not want to eat his fish, and so has to find a way of getting out of this. He has more than a trick or two up his sleeve, much to the admiration of Lili and Nana.
Trotro loves sleeping in Mummy and Daddy’s bed. Every time Daddy takes him back to his own room, Trotro comes straight back into his parent’s room! So Mummy and Daddy come up with a cunning plan to make sure he stays in his own bed.
Trotro invites Lili to come and share his snack under a tree. But it’s not easy to eat outside. When it isn’t the sun melting the chocolate, it the bees who turn up !! Then its starts to rain and that messes everything up. Come on, time to go inside!
Trotro uses some of Mummy's makeup and looks like a little clown. Trotro falls asleep while drawing and has a nice dream. Trotro loses Teddy, his favourite toy. Trotro makes Nana proud. Trotro dresses up to look like Daddy.
Gwenvin Sommier
l'âne Trotro
Florine Orphelin
Muriel Flory
la mère de Trotro
Vincent Jaspard
le père de Trotro
Caroline Combes