Trillion Game
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Haru Tennoji (Ren Meguro) is on a secret mission to earn 1 trillion dollars alongside his quiet, shy, IT-whiz middle school friend Manabu "Gaku" Taira (Hayato Sano). Gaku’s poor communication skills leads to a disastrous interview with tech giant Dragon Bank. Coincidentally, that very firm offers Haru a job, but he rejects it. Instead, the duo decide to launch a more ambitious project: create a business with the ultimate goal of buying out Dragon Bank. Even though they have no business experience or capital, Haru has plenty of ambition and Gaku has no shortage of talent. Have they bitten off more than they can chew? Or can their combined strengths help them realize this seemingly impossible dream? This 2023 Japanese drama series was directed by Yoshiaki Murao and Kentarou Takemura, based on a manga by Inagaki Riichiro.