Blue collar CEO Mandy Rennehan returns to her hometown of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, to begin renovating and restoring the first of three properties she has purchased, fondly named Chester, but realizes Chester might be more of a learning experience.
Demolition continues at Chester, the first of three properties Mandy Rennehan is renovating in her hometown of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
As the second floor gets a major overhaul, Mandy challenges her apprentices to find something special for the primary bathroom; and the apprentices and Mandy get all tied up in knots when Ida, Mandy's dad, gives them a lesson they weren't expecting.
Mandy and her apprentices are restoring and rebuilding the first of three properties, but as they begin work on the dilapidated mudroom off the kitchen, a new issue is discovered that could potentially derail the schedule for completion.
Mandy Rennehan and her team break ground on King, the second of three properties being renovated in her hometown of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
During the renovation of King's upper unit, an unexpected sewer pipe issue nearly derails Mandy Rennehan's plans for a 2nd story deck.