Six ordinary people. Six extreme ecozones. Sixty days alone, changing location when they least expect. With minimal supplies, a wrestler, a plumber, a fitness model, a former Marine, a nurse, and an ultra-marathoner face a gauntlet like no other.
Participants are ripped from their first location, forced to start over in another extreme ecozone. Luke battles caimans for supremacy of the wetlands. Lindsay searches for water in 105 degree heat. Someone drops out.
The second location takes a mental toll. Lindsay makes a fateful decision. Caimans hunt Luke in the Wetlands. Shon's struggle for food pushes him to the brink. On the island, Adam fails to make fire and suffers the consequences.
Extreme hunger, aggressive hunting. Shon makes a spear launcher while Luke returns to hunting alligator. Adam and Josh struggle to find water and make fire. Another tap out.
The third eco-zone will not relent. Lindsay shrinks to an unhealthy weight. Luke catches fish, but struggles to stave of the isolation. Shon's body shuts down.
Shon's fate is decided. The Wheel sends the participants to Phase Four. Lindsay's hopes are dashed by the barren Tundra. Adam forages in the Wetlands, but is wrecked by caimans. Luke faces the ultimate mountain challenge.
Craig Piligian
Sam Korkis
Joseph Boyle