Yoko Nakajima is an A student at high school but feels isolated in class and at home. She constantly suffers from a nightmare about unfamiliar sights and dreadful monsters. One day, a blond hair boy, Keiki, shows up at school and tells Yoko that she’s the “master” he’s been looking for. Yoko is confused but monsters attack school and she has to fight them with Keiki’s servants and sword. She also gets her friends, Asano and Sugimoto, involved. She passes out but wakes up in a giant whirlpool of light where Keiki’s servant flies her to “the other side.”
Yoko comes through the whirlpool of light, gets attacked by a monster and loses Asano and Sugimoto. She walks around an unfamiliar place, finds a village but the villagers lock her up with Sugimoto. Yoko realizes her face has changed. Asano finds Keiki as a beast under attack by another beast. The villagers take Yoko, Sugimoto and Asano to the district authorities but new monsters attack them.
Yoko’s Hinman power saves herself and her friends from the monsters’ attack. They are starving and hesitantly break into a farm house to steal food. The owner of the house, Takki, comes back and gives them food and clothes. When Takki promises a town job for them, Yoko trusts her but Sugimoto is skeptical. They leave for the town and see a play about Kei Kingdom on the way. Towards the end of the play, Yoko sees Aozaru, which used to be in her nightmare, play Yoko’s father and mother, and that deeply affects Yoko’s mind.
Yoko is confused by Aozaru but decides to follow Takki with Sugimoto and Asano. At the hotel, Yoko realizes the skeptic, Sugimoto, was right about Takki. Takki tries to sell them as prostitutes. Yoko, Sugimoto and Asano manage to escape, and meet an old man named Matsuyama from Japan. They have a good time talking but the next morning, Matsuyama reports them to the police for money. Yoko’s “good girl” attitude does not work here, and she also has to manage her shaky relationship with Sugimoto and Asano. Then, Yoko’s sword sheds a light to show her a vision.
When Sugimoto is fed up with Yoko’s whiny attitude, a blond lady, Korin, shows up, tells her that the world needs her, and convinces her to act alone. Feeling sorry for hungry Asano, Yoko decides to rob people of food, but the victims turn out to be the mother and son she met before. The mother and son invite the two to lunch but Yoko cannot trust them this time and walks away. Then, monsters attack and Asano falls off a cliff. Yoko beats the monsters but faints out of hunger and fatigue. When she wakes up, she sees Korin and Sugimoto. Sugimoto attacks her by surprise.
Sugimoto beats Yoko with the power of a Hinman, and Yoko passes out. Yoko wakes up in the hands of a half-beast, Rakushun. No matter how nicely Rakushun treats Yoko, she refuses to open up to him. Rakushun takes Yoko to En Kingdom where all creatures are treated equally. When Yoko and Rakushun are attacked my monsters on the way, Yoko runs to fight back, now with a smile on her face.
Takehito Koyasu
Aya Hisakawa
Houko Kuwashima
Naomi Wakabayashi
Aya Ishizu