Find out the answers to the universe's most perplexing everyday mysteries and become a genius at lightning speed. Is the 5 second rule legit? How can Einstein help with your daily commute? Why's it so hard to swat a fly? Do you really think with your gut?
Find out the answers to the universe's most perplexing everyday mysteries and become a genius at lightning speed. What's the boiling point for humans? When is the robot uprising? Why do our fingers wrinkle when wet? Do sports drinks really work?
Find out the answers to the universe's most perplexing everyday mysteries and become a genius at lightning speed. How can you fool a bloodhound? How much does a cloud weigh? How can you move things with your mind? Why are tattoos permanent?
Find out the answers to the universe's most perplexing everyday mysteries and become a genius at lightning speed. Is it possible for the blind to see? How can you outsmart water? How does your head age faster than your feet?
Find out the answers to the universe's most perplexing everyday mysteries and become a genius at lightning speed. Which body part is strong enough to lift an elephant? What's the secret to walking on water? Can you charge your phone with a lemon?
Find out the answers to the universe's most perplexing everyday mysteries and become a genius at lightning speed. Why do we get goose bumps? Can light turn objects invisible? Could you uncook an egg? What happens when in space without a space suit?