Introduces the characters and gives a view of the Muranian world where Queen Tika watches the action from her special viewing room. It ends with Gene and the kids falling from a cliff. A real cliffhanger!
Gene, Frankie, and Betsy are saved from certain death by the Junior Thunder Riders. During a stagecoach chase, Tom Baxter is killed. Gene is arrested, and Frankie and Betsy stow away on an airplane.
The Baxter kids escape from the plane by parachute, while Gene has joined the Thunder Riders. Queen Tika is angry that Gene has not been captured, Gene overhears Beetson confess to Baxter's murder.
Gene is saved a second before his car crashes. Queen Tika searches for Argo, who is trying to destroy Radio Ranch. Gene makes his broadcast from Frankie's laboratory, and the kids are in an explosion.
Gene uses the Thunder Riders' clubhouse. He switches clothes with a Lieutenant and is caught by the Riders, and taken back to Murania. He is unmasked and ordered to the "Death Chamber” by Queen Tika.
Argo saves Gene by opening a trapdoor. Gene lands in a room where he overhears Muranian rebels who capture him, but he breaks free. Two of the Queen's guards activate two deadly robots to find Gene.