The Good Mothers
Available on Disney+, Hulu
The story tells of bright, young prosecutor, Anna Colace, who works with the women of the ‘Ndrangheta in order to bring the notorious mafia organization down from within. The women, mothers and wives of the top bosses, were violently oppressed and marginalized by the overbearing patriarchal system of the criminal organization. Anna’s experience starts with the notorious disappearance of Lea Garofalo, who agreed to act as a witness against her husband, Carlo Cosco, to escape his control and help her daughter, Denise, to grow up away from such a toxic environment. Anna’s investigation delves further into the murky world of the ‘Ndrangheta and the powerful stories of Giuseppina Pesce and Concetta Cacciola’s - two very different women who share a dramatic background; an oppressive and suffocating existence, and the desire and drive to escape in order to give themselves and their children a better future, just as Lea tried to do.

