Linda, a fifty-year-old mother of two, isn't exactly thrilled when she finds out she's menopausal. In an attempt to claim her identity back, she leaves her life behind to live in a caravan in the Forest of Dean.
Linda heads into the forest to search for a time capsule she hid when she was 10, and meets the mysterious Pig Man, who may know more about the capsule than he's letting on.
Linda considers returning to her old life - until she discovers that a building development threatens the future of the forest.
Linda receives a visit from her sister, who's furious at her for leaving. Meanwhile, The Verderer (Jim Howick) comes up with a way to stop the developers: living in a tree.
It's Eel Festival eve, and Linda joins up with Joy and the Eel sisters to help with the final preparations. But she soon starts feeling guilty about her big secret.
Eel Festival day has arrived, and the town is buzzing with excitement. Even honorary 'Eel Child' The Verderer comes down from his tree to celebrate.
Bridget Christie
Omid Djalili
Monica Dolan
Susan Lynch
Paul Whitehouse