A unique social experiment with one ambition - to re-unite a community through bread. Curate Cath Vickers, a real-life Vicar of Dibley, is starting up a bread group in her home town of Bedale in the Yorkshire Dales. Mentored by professional artisan bakers, Patrick Ryan and Duncan Glendinning, can the women generate enough enthusiasm to start up their own community bakery? Meanwhile a local mill is about to undergo a renovation, and the baking group hope to be able to use its stoneground flour in their baking. Please note, this version may differ slightly from the UK TX version.
The unique social experiment to unite a community through bread gathers pace. Led by curate Cath Vickers, a real-life Vicar of Dibley, the bread group, based in the Yorkshire town of Bedale, has started training with professional bakers Patrick and Duncan, and are rapidly learning new skills. Renovation is also continuing at the mill. However, a major setback throws everything into disarray. Can the project continue? Please note, this version may differ slightly from the UK TX version.
It’s now a year since the experiment to unite a community through bread was begun. After a major setback when their leader, curate Cath Vickers, was relocated further south, the Yorkshire-based bread group are now reformed and are forging ahead with plans for the community bakery. The mill is turning and producing flour, but the bread group need to find premises, hire a new trainee and get everything ready in time for their big launch. Will Bedale take its new community bakery to its heart? Please note, this version may differ slightly from the UK TX version.
Cath Vickers
Sandi Scott
Andrew Palmer
Katie Buchanan