In the 2000s, television entered the Platinum Age, as storytellers had license to take the medium to new heights. The creative renaissance in television enjoyed groundbreaking shows such as The Sopranos, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Lost, Survivor, American Idol, Glee and The Office.
Explore how George W. Bush faced the attacks of September 11th and launched a global war on terror.
Explore President Bush's desire to end insurgency in Iraq while seeking re-election. In his second term, he must respond to Hurricane Katrina, a burgeoning financial meltdown and his own plummeting poll numbers.
Explore the rise of Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google.
Explore the financial crisis that threatened the global economy.
Explore Barack Obama's presidential campaign and the 2008 presidential election.
Tom Hanks
Gary Goetzman
Mark Herzog
Jane E. Russell
Talleah Bridges McMahon