Maria, a girl from an orphanage, attempts to commit suicide from the Han River Bridge, and Do Ki comes to save her.
Do Ki manages to sneak into Ju Chan’s factory and even orders their food products.
Jung Min is a student who lives with his deaf mother. When he transfers to a new school, violence begins.
Seungtae is caught with purchasing illegal drugs, and Doki threatens him. Seungtae decides to call someone for help.
Doki faints on the streeet and everyone worries about his health. He takes the Seo Young Min case file, which Hana goes after as well. Both Doki and Hana are now after U Data.
Do Ki officially starts working at U data, the place where illegal videos are being shared.
Lee Je-hoon
Kim Dogi
Kim Eui-sung
Jang Seongcheol
Pyo Ye-jin
Ahn Go-eun
Jang Hyeok-jin
Choi Gyeong-gu
Bae Yoo-ram
Park Jin-eon