Tak and the Power of Juju

In Tak And The Power Of Juju, a young jungle boy named Tak (voiced by Hal Sparks) uses his unique ability -- communicating with magical beings -- to improve on the traditionally bad luck of his native village, Pupununu. Tak has assumed the role of mediator between the magical Juju and the Pupununu people, who rely on mystical intervention during times of turmoil. But the combination of the Jujus' vagueness and Tak's impulsiveness usually means that his attempts to help wind up creating even more trouble for the village, and occasionally even the Jujus themselves. It's then that he has to do some quick thinking -- and enlist the help of his pals -- to get everything back to normal for the Pupununu.
Hal Sparks,
Maurice LaMarche,
Lloyd Sherr