This week: hand-to-hand fighting, jumping from 30-foot towers, battling 12 feet under water, abseiling from the height of a 4-storey building, and understanding how to "sell" stunts to the camera. Each stunt skill is marked, and as each student knows, if you can't take it you won't make it.
High-octane, fast action is part of the movie stunt world and this week our novices are challenged by stunts with motorbikes, cars and horses. The pace of the course is relentless and it looks like two of the trainees are buckling under the pressure.
The most dangerous stunts are saved for the students' final week, when they've learned enough basic skills to be able to cope. So now they're lining up to be dragged by a speeding car, to leap from a racing boat and to be set on fire - first a limb, then the whole body! This is the ultimate test of stamina, ability and commitment. And not all the students make it through.