Rookie detective Seiji Nanatsuki finds himself taken hostage by bank robbers on his day off. If he wants to stay alive and bring the robbers to justice, he'll have to learn to work with his jaded and unenthusiastic fellow officer Shiori Ichinose!
Nanatsuki's first case with Special 7 is the murder of four politicians in a single night! Could an angry blog post hold the key to the mystery?
A notorious bomber threatens three skyscrapers and Special 7 will have to stop them without backup! Could there be anything to the rumors that the bomber uses the ancient super-technology known as "magic"?
Nanatsuki is partnered with Nijo to investigate a father suspected of murdering his sons for insurance money. Nanatsuki feels sure he isn't guilty, but Nijo has his doubts. Can the pair learn to work together and uncover the truth?
Nine finally makes its move! Nanatsuki, Ichinose, and Nijo are stranded without backup when the shopping mall they're investigating is taken over by heavily armed terrorists. Can they evade capture long enough to foil Nine's plans?
Special 7 reunites in the terrorist-occupied mall, but five of them be enough to rescue the hostages and prevent Nine's ritual? And what are Warlock and his mysterious second-in-command really after?
Hiro Shimono
Seiji Nanatsuki
Tsuda Kenjirō
Shiroi Ichinose
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Kujaku Nijo
Takayuki Kuriyama