The night before Christmas Eve, five-week-old baby Lucas disappears inexplicably from his home. When his mother, Jenni, is woken by her daughter Nicole on Christmas Eve morning, Jenni has no memory of what has happened. (Org. title: Snöänglar)
53 days before baby Lucas goes missing. Lucas hasn’t been born yet and Jenni is having a difficult pregnancy, which is both physically and psychologically taxing. She takes sedatives and sleeping pills for relief. (Org. title: Snoanglar)
In the days leading up to Lucas’ disappearance, Jenni is exhausted and feels worthless. One evening, she is confronted by a neighbour, who threatens to call social services after finding Lucas alone in his pram, outside the apartment. (Nordic Noir)
The day after Lucas goes missing, the police put out an all-ports warning on Salle, who has fled home without a trace. Both he and Jenni are under suspicion for the disappearance and Jenni is arrested. (Org. title: Snöanglar)
One week after Lucas’ disappearance, the Sandgren family is shocked to learn that Lucas has been found dead. Jenni is devastated by the news and starts to question her own innocence, as she can’t remember what happened the night Lucas disappeared.
The truth behind Lucas’ disappearance. Jenni has confessed to killing Lucas, but Alice doesn’t believe her. Alice’s hunt for the real killer is hindered when she is suspended from work after her affair with Stellan comes to light.
Eva Melander
Josefin Asplund
Ardalan Esmaili
Maria Rossing
Cecilia Nilsson