Robot Combat League

ROBOT COMBAT LEAGUE is a competition series featuring human-controlled, state-of-the-art robots engaging in arena combat. Hosted by WWF wrestling star Chris Jericho, the series features 12 teams of two people with backgrounds in areas like engineering, software development, elite athletics, and even race car driving, who are assigned a specific 8-foot-tall humanoid robot created by robot expert Mark Setrakian. While one team member acts as the "robo-jockey" (a human fighter controlling the robot with a high-tech exo-suit), the other serves as the engineer or "robo-tech." The contestants must learn to communicate with each other in order to take control of their robots and guide them to win rounds of fight tournaments in order to stay in the game. The team who successfully guides their robot to a final victory wins the $100,000 cash prize.
Chris Jericho