Rebirth For You
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As the daughter of the Crown Prince, Princess Jia Nan (Ju Jing Yi) has spent her entire life living within the palace walls. Fully aware that life within the palace affords no freedom, Jia Nan could have allowed herself to become bitter and resentful with age, but instead has chosen to maintain a pleasant, carefree demeanor. As lighthearted as she may be, Jia Nan has no desire to become someone else’s puppet.  Relying on her wit and ingenuity, Jia Nan has worked hard to avoid the political scheming and fighting that often takes place within the inner palace. Just as Jia Nan works to change her fate, Imperial Army Guard, Li Qian (Joseph Zeng) hopes to someday reverse his destiny as well. Scarred by events of the past, Li Qian has dedicated his life to advancing in his career, knowing that every step up gains him access to new information. Constantly searching for clues that will bring him answers to the past, Li Qian soon finds himself crossing paths with Princess Jia Nan.  Agreeing to work together to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way, Jia Nan and Li Qian begin a quest that, if successful, will allow them to remain with their loved ones for a lifetime. The only question is, can either of them find a way to escape the grasp destiny already seems to have on them? Adapted from the novel “Mu Nan Zhi” by Zhi Zhi, “Rebirth For You” is a 2021 Chinese historical romance drama directed by Zhi Lei.